Required Assets for VEVO Banners:
Note: While VEVO is a web based monetization network and most web images are at 72dpi, Roc Video Promo requests all images are 300dpi or a very large 72dpi. The reason for this is VEVO banners can be displayed on big screen televisions at 1080p/1080i as well as the smallest cellphone screens. When dealing with digital photos that are not vectorized, you can scale them down in size but CAN NOT enlarge them without losing almost all quality. Please take this into consideration when providing assets as - the better the materials you send, the more professional your VEVO banner will look!
Asset List
- Artist's logo ( preferably a vector or .PNG with a transparent background )
- Approved Promotional Images ( preferably at 300dpi )
- Approved Fonts ( .ttf or .otf format is acceptable. If the font cannot be provided, the font's name in most cases is suitable )
- Preferred Color Swatches ( not required but recommended )
- Supplementary images like textures or abstract images that compliment the artists look not ( required but recommended )
- Promotional images do not need to be square, we can crop them here.
- Green screens can be great for removing backgrounds, but lighting may reflect a green hue on the artist's skin that is very difficult to remove.
- Flattened images are acceptable but a layered file is preferred.
- If the image has NO LAYERS a psd is not a necessary file format - jpegs are sufficient.
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